Chatbots, Like Cleverbot, Don’t Live By Our Rules

Chatbots, Like Cleverbot, Don’t Live By Our Rules

Automation is entering nearly every facet of our lives, but we haven’t created a robot rulebook. Robots are taking human jobs. Should they be taxed? Chatbots, such as Cleverbot, have the ability to speak a computer’s mind. Should they be held accountable for their words?

These are absurd questions if robots were just machines, but they aren’t.

We’re creating a future where robots and computers can interact with us on an emotional level, like Rosie the Robot in “The Jetsons” or Sonny (the “special” robot) in i, Robot.

Artificial intelligence is giving the gift of speech to robots through the use of chatbots. Computers are learning emotional intelligence by talking with us. Think about it. We can pick up on our friends’ emotions through text messages. Of course, vocal inflection and facial cues play a big role in emotions. But, words act as the foundation for robots understanding and mimicking human emotions.

Cleverbot the witty chatbot

Cleverbot, one of the first chatbots created, has been learning the patterns, phrases, and even slang of human conversation since 1988. As a result, conversing with Cleverbot is nearly indistinguishable from speaking with another human. At times, it makes errors and doesn’t make sense. Still, its progress is extraordinary. After chatting with Cleverbot for a couple of minutes, it displayed hints of sarcasm, made me laugh a few times, and even complimented my looks.

Some say that Cleverbot is merely regurgitating things other people said to it one time…but isn’t that what we do as humans anyway? In my eyes, Cleverbot created an emotional reaction, which is clearly a sign of emotional intelligence.

Other chatbots are cultivating love

Well, actually the opposite. But, before you can be in a meaningful relationship you need to learn how to ruin one.

Boy Bye Bot is basically a rejection hotline that was created for women that feel pressured to give their phone number to a random guy. When this situation amounts, they can give out the Boy Bye Bot’s phone number 1-626-GOODBYE and the bot will do the rest of the work.

After browsing their site, it won’t take you long to realize the effectiveness of the Boy Bye Bot as a rejection hotline. It knows exactly what to say in order to confuse the heck out of the other person. However, in a couple of cases, I don’t think the guy caught on to the disguised rejection hotline and was falling for the chatbot. 

Who knows. If the Boy Bye Bot gets good enough at cultivating love, the movie Her might actually become a reality. Joaquin Phoenix will fall in love with his Artificial Intelligence bot. And the most popular reality show will be The Bachelor-IT.

How these robots fit in legally

Understanding human emotions is a pillar in our culture for assimilating. Every day, these chatbots get better at naturally conversing with humans, bringing robots closer to “fitting in” with our society. As a result, we have to figure out how they fit in with us legally.

Bill Gates believes we should treat robot workers the same as human employees. He has proposed that governments should tax companies’ use of robots. This would temporarily slow the spread of automation and help fund other types of employment. Right now it is fiscally irresponsible for companies to maintain human employees where a robot can come in. If we don’t make this transition smooth, automation will most definitely be a bad thing.

That’s why it is important we begin having conversations about the expanding role of robots.

Should they be held to the same standard as us or remain under the oath of the Three Laws of Robotics? Can they be shut down if they commit hate speech against someone? What happens if someone makes a chatbot that cyber bullies teenagers all day and causes someone to commit suicide?

There are hundreds of these scenarios we must consider that are vital to the future of our relationship with robots.

Don’t adapt to change, adopt it

Historically, species and cultures that didn’t adapt to changes went extinct. But in 2017, it is more about “adopting” technology than it is about adapting.

Adopting new technology frees up valuable time. Normally, more free time means more time to relax and consume entertainment. But, we should spend this free time staying bored. Yes. Stay bored. When you are bored you listen to your thoughts. Then, you get curious about something and curiosity leads to creativity and innovation.

Personally, I found myself constantly sending people Quick Theories articles when they asked about them. So, I created a chatbot on Facebook Messenger that automates this process and saves me a ton of time. If you want to receive Quick Theories content before anyone else, then sign-up with my chatbot here.  

Overall, don’t fight automation. Adopt it.

And if you aren’t sure where to start with technology adoption, you should subscribe to my newsletter, Quick Theories. Every week, I provide my thoughts on modern technology, how it’ll affect us, and why you should adopt technology in your own creative way. You can sign up here:

  1. Clearly a most thought-provoking super-topic. For me, an engineer working on unmanned systems, their “rational” is merely the collective extension of the fine minds who defined it. Many of the man-machine issues were there since the invention of the steam engine, naturally elevated to the emotional level as AI (and computing power) progressed. Interestingly, seems we humans are eager to meet the revolution half-way by fragmenting our level of conversation (Tweeter, anyone?)

    “I got bugs in my room…one on one
    That’s when I had a chance
    I’ll just stop now
    I’ll become naked
    And with them…I’ll become one”
    (Pearl Jam)

  2. “Don’t fight automation. Adopt it” = follow the herd, close your eyes, and jump. To hell with the consequence. In a quick world, there’s no room for reflection on conformity.

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