Some Thoughts on our Dysfunctional Relationship with Technology in 2019

A good relationship is built on trust. The trust, in turn, allows for autonomy. And with autonomy comes personal growth. Many of the relationships we have with software and algorithms are indeed full of trust. I don’t have to remind you of all the trust you put in Gmail to send your correspondence, iCloud to secure your precious photos, or Amazon to take care of your purchases.

In fact, I would say we put an uncanny amount of trust in digital technologies.

The problem, though, is that our trustworthy relationships aren’t empowering autonomy. It’s breeding dependence. We’re becoming extremely reliant in a very unhealthy, dangerous way. And massive problems will arise in two forms.

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What if 23andMe created a Digital Family Vault to share and preserve memories

What if 23andMe created a Digital Family Vault to share and preserve memories