What caught my attention this week – 01.18.19

Being in Japan for three weeks with really no one to talk to led me to do a lot of introspection.

One realization I had is the importance of being myself in the world, especially in 2019 and moving forward. I know this is a cliche’ that takes us back to our formative years. But, I don’t think we’re ever too old to be reminded of this.

This means communicating with you all more regularly and re-engaging our dialogue on life and technology.

Along the same lines, I’ve been getting back to creating videos and it’s one of those arts where you really are forced to be yourself. Because to be anyone else in the digital world is too exhausting.

Without further ado…

This is what caught my attention in technology:

Self-Lacing Basketball Shoes

The Nike Adapt BB builds upon self-lacing technology they’ve developed, and released, with two other shoes in the past. Except now, the lacing mechanism wraps around the bottom of the foot and back of the heel for more comprehensive squeeze.

What’s particularly interesting is that they have their sights set on the basketball market (hence, BB). This is going to be a tough training ground for this technology since it’s a sport that truly pushes shoes to the limits — with all the sharp cuts and impacts.

Watch the video below for my thoughts on this technology:

Global Internet For All In 2069

Access to the Internet’s unbelievable web of knowledge and services might be the biggest societal differentiator today. Making sure that everyone has a connection to the infinite health advice, education, financial leverage, e-commerce, etc. is practically a human right — it’s a moral duty. However, morality is not the motivator for the half dozen companies bringing the rest of the world online.

Read more of my thoughts on Google, Facebook, and SpaceX’s plans to bring the entire world online.

Tracking Devices Powered By Air

Wiliot has developed a paper-thin bluetooth chip that operates entirely without a battery – harvesting its energy from the ambient radio frequencies around us, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals. It’s like a gas station that fills your gas tank as you drive by.

If you’re an Inevitable/Human member, read more on Wiliot here

Instagram Influencers Team Up With Hackers

Hackers have taken notice of how important Instagram accounts are to their owners, many of which entirely rely on their Instagram presence for their income.

Motherboard recently reported on an emerging trend of hackers taking control of Instagram influencers’ accounts and holding them ransom. Now, a wave of fresh attacks and internal Instagram documents obtained by Motherboard provide more detail about the issue. Victims say that Instagram’s process for recovering accounts is so cumbersome that they’ve had to rely on third-party social media experts and, in some cases, white-hat hackers to help them regain access while Instagram itself was largely silent.

Read the entire story here

Computers Can Speak In Your Voice

With just 3.7 seconds of audio, a new AI algorithm developed by Chinese tech giant Baidu can clone a pretty believable fake voice. Much like the rapid development of machine learning software that democratized the creation of fake videos, this research shows why it’s getting harder to believe any piece of media on the internet.

Read the entire story here and I’m sure this will create a new industry of coping mechanisms, as seen here.

Have a nice weekend. And feel free to message me on any of the above topics.

Up Next:

Are algorithms the modern slaves of Internet giants?

Are algorithms the modern slaves of Internet giants?